Monday 5 October 2015

Post #15 - Eurenesis, The School Run and Fat Felines

Last night at about 4am my DH (Darling Husband - it's a Mumsnet contraction I believe) was woken by our DS (Darling Son) who had removed his night nappy and consequently wet the bed. I didn't wake: after a series of sleepless nights I'm dead to the world at the moment, but I will be dealing with the washing and ironing later. We have seen a nurse at the local hospital about this and were given a booklet. I think I'll write about this in greater detail once I've formulated a system  (you've got to have a system - thank you Harry Hill!)

These are my Nike Air Rifts (aka the Cloven hooves) which I like to wear on the school run. They're very comfortable, especially as I replaced the smelly insoles with memory foam ones.

Now, I know that it's a really 80s thing, but this waist bag I purchased from eBay is really useful on the school run. It holds my keys and phone as well as a small purse. Yes, I physically walk DS to school, I wish more parents around here would do the same and there would be fewer cars on the road. I do understand if it's a really long way or you're driving directly to work afterwards, but most return back home and then probably go to the gym. Pffft.

Finally, my youngest moggie has gone to the Vet with DH. It's her annual checkup. She's quite a porky puss and has a dangerous Felix addiction, so it'll probably be the Kitty Slimfast for her.

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