Friday 23 December 2016

Post #83: Christmas Eve Eve

This will be one of the quietest Christmases ever *yay!*.  I for one am pleased, as is my husband, son, cats and probably even Cyril The Grey Squirrel.  Last year my mother was a right whingey old pain in the arse and decided to blame herself for my twatty brother's inability to read emails concerning his nephew's Christmas gift.  She even turned on the waterworks in front of my husband when I went upstairs to get away from it all, which didn't endear him to her, that's for sure.

So ... a nice quiet time, no turkey, no stuffing and no frigging pigs in bleedin' blankets.  I don't want or like any of that food anyway.  Well, that's not strictly true as I do enjoy eating turkey, but not cooking a giant bird in my substandard oven for hours on end and then seeing my mother try and eat every single scrap of meat on it.  Nice.

Friday 16 December 2016

Post #82: Neighbours' Seasonal Do

Our next-door-neighbours, who are a lovely elderly couple, host a drinks party every year. Being the (un)social animal I am and having a son with autism and ADHD does cause quite a few issues. The sitting room of their house soon fills up with a cliquey group and try as I might, I never know quite what to say to anybody.

There are always the boastful ones; honestly, purchasing property in Hastings isn't my topic of choice and I don't really want to discuss my current employment situation. I want to gossip, to make up ridiculous, yet fictitious stories about the talking toad who lives at the bottom of our garden.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Post #81: Post Death

My mother-in-law died during the early hours of Monday morning. Although it was sad, the culmination of several years of difficult care arrangements and quite frankly, it was hell on wheels.

The funeral is scheduled for next Thursday.