Thursday 7 January 2016

Post #37 - Bitter and Twisted?

When I was growing up, my parents often used the term 'twitter and bisted', but that was years prior to the micro-blogging site's launch - maybe they were visionaries who never knew it?  Probably not.

Oh, what can I say - I'm always in a flipping mood these days and the SSRIs are probably the cause of this.  It could, however, be my natural 'arsey' personality - who can tell?  I probably drink far too much coffee in the morning - it could be an overindulgence in caffeine?    Maybe.  It could be a case of becoming vexed by lazy stupid people who fail to turn up their chair they agreed to take from my home via the recycling site Freecycle?

I won't bore you with my continuing work woes as there's no point and I'm not permitted to anyway.  I just wish that there was an easier way of working when one's an Aspie and most things seem out of reach ..... This phrase always reminds me of this classic Hall and Oates song: I Can't Go For That (No Can Do).  Yes, I do appreciate the use of parenthesis in a song title.


  1. Freecycle must be responsible for so much arsiness. Some bloke was asking for Nokia phones and I had a funky old one so gave him a ring.

    He sounded so disinterested that he was practically yawning. Just told me to text my address. I didn't bother.

    However I did get rid of a desk too. Lady collected as arranged.

    You get these wierdos saying oh please can I have it. You contact them to offer and never hear again!

    1. I'm so glad that it isn't just me! They seem to link to other Freecycling sites which are scattered around the country. As you can imagine, I'm not a fan of dealing with eBayers or Freecyclers as I recall the hoo har about selling my son's old Maclaren buggy. Huh!
