Monday 7 September 2015

Post #6 - What It Feels Like For An (Aspie) Girl

Having a young son with ASC I can see some definite parallels with my own behaviour.  It's extremely geeky, that's for sure.  The obsessions sometimes become ridiculous - my current ones are as follows:
Oh dear, that makes me sound pretty tedious doesn't it?  I'm not, honest - well, I am a little bit.  


  1. Hi. I deffo understand the Sinclair thing. Something about the boxiness, sturdiness and big buttons. I have obsessions with retro heaters, food gadgets but especially teasmades!

    Oh yes also old style telephones particularly American ones. This started in my childhood and with advent of EBay I was able to start collecting and hoarding them. ;)

    1. Have you checked out the recreated ZX Spectrum online? I had nothing but issues with it because the app wasn't ready, so I duly returned it.

      IKWYM about telephones. Those Trim Phones were fab. I also used to pretend my handheld Merlin was a groovy new handset!
