Thursday, 12 August 2021

Post #183 - End of the line - so long and thanks for all of the fish (although I don't like eating fish ...)

This is my last post. For reasons that I am not prepared to divulge I no longer wish to identify as autistic. Henceforth I shall be merely geeky.  I am, of course, autistic in the medical sense, but I wish to try and recapture a flavour of my pre-autism days.  I'll also be fully supporting Master Logic who needs all of the help he can get in working through his difficult teenage years.  

The period between December 2013 (the fight with over another parent over filming with an iPad at Master Logic's primary school) through to my two formal diagnoses - the brief, but powerful NHS one undertaken by the excellent Dr Elizabeth Kilbey via Oxleas in April 2015 and the private one funded via the civil service and undertaken by Dr Ken Greaves in May 2015 have been an enlightening read.  That said, until December 2013 I knew that something was wrong, but not enough to re-assess my entire life about. Hindsight's an amazing thing, but I'd like to try and be less autistic if I possibly can?  

I've gone full cycle - it's August 2021 now and I'm a proud mum on the spectrum and a geekess; I'm happy with that.  I cannot mix with certain adults on the spectrum, but some are absolutely lovely and I am hoping to keep in contact with them.

It's been emotional - farewell and thank you for reading.


  1. Hey. Not sure if you remember me? You used to comment on my blog which I've not written in for years! I'm glad you've embraced yourself . I forget that I have autism most of the time, just drift along, allowing one obsession to follow another. All the best to you. I shall have a read over your posts. Well done for keeping at it! :)

    1. I do remember you and thank you for your kind words!l. I will always be autistic but I need to slide back into the geekier side of normal if that makes sense :)
