Sunday 13 November 2016

Post #76: Friends (Not The TV Show)

Yesterday afternoon and evening one of my (few) friends came over, let's call her Sarah for the purposes of this blog.  She tends to visit every six-eight weeks or so - the process is always the same: she brings over back copies of Red magazine in exchange for my old Esquires (we both get them free as part of our bank account benefits.) Sarah brings dessert and a bottle of wine, always purchased from Asda. We drink tea, make polite conversation then switch the TV on.  Sarah, who's long-term single moved out from the sanctity of her parental home in her late thirties and now, three years on, she's still not upgraded her bed to a 4ft 6in double or even a 5ft King Size (ooohhh) and remains loyal to her 2ft 6in small single divan.

I think that Sarah was secretly gutted that I'd downgraded the Virgin Cable TV package since her last visit because, quite frankly, we weren't watching 90% of the content and it was a waste of money.  Oh well, it's my life.  I did get the distinct impression that she disapproved of my current lack of employment and the fact that she rises at the (ungodly) hour of 05:30 every morning is the only suitable life choice for the working woman (she's made many a disparaging comment about working parents in her time ...)

The thing that did make me laugh was her tales about her having to undertake excessive lawn mowing in the back and front gardens of her terraced property(!) and the fact that she refuses to place anything in the council-provided recycling boxes, choosing to recycle via the bottle bank network(!) whilst out and about. It's fair enough if you're single, but purrrllessseeee?  Yes, I know that I shouldn't be unduly judgemental and maybe, just maybe she shows traits of OCD, but would never admit it, nor seek any suitable support to address the condition, which isn't the way that I'd choose to live my life, but when's all said and done, I'm a completely different person.  


  1. Friends = Pens = Pauline. ;) I have one friend left and she lives in Manchester. I live just outside London! The other friend I had until a couple of years ago was hugely judgemental of overweight people. I am overweight and she was as thin as a reed and obviously saw it as a sign of superiority over others who didn't have her self control (sarcasm). I ended up falling out with her over it in an email (coward) and in typical Aspie fashion, burnt the bridge.

    The only people I chat with nowdays are the people I work for and to pass the time with a neighbour. Mostly I live in as much silence as possible. I'm lonely at times but also never alone, with my Autism as that keeps me pretty much occupied.

    I am surprised (and a bit jealous) to find that most Aspie women seem to have fairly good and loving marriages, at least the ones I read about on forums on the web. I do envy that but I think I have a very immature view of relationships and identified a lot with some of the Undateables (did you see that?) in their naiveity and gullibility (sorry if spellings are wrong) and in reality find the closeness and sometimes conflict of being with a person extremely difficult. I have burnt so many relationship bridges and I still don't know if my expecatations are very low or too high!

  2. Oh, how I love Pauline Campbell-Jones "Let's say ... I'm as old as my gums and a little bit older than my teeth. I'm FORTY-EIGHT!"

    I live in the London suburbs, it's fine, it's fairly quiet out here.

    Oh the friend thing ... I am in contact with only one person from my school days and she lives in Canada. I don't really understand the nature of female friendships and am glad in so many ways - going out clubbing and to restaurants in the evening - no thanks! Spa days - nah!

    I love The Undateables, especially Richard! I do find that the male Aspies are a totally different breed though.
