Friday, 22 March 2024

Post #185 - A Bad Day ...

Twenty-four years ago to this very day I first met the man who was to become my husband at a mutual friend's fortieth birthday gathering in a pub located in Soho. I miss his company.

Today was the day that I finally plucked up the courage to report the sexual assault which occurred last month. It's been a trying time.

This afternoon I attended my usual online music group. It's run by a local mental health charity. The session is held on Microsoft Teams and consists of a facilitator acting as the DJ and playing attendees' choices via their/the Charity's YouTube account - ergo music videos. I had an issue back in late September 2023 when, post Bully Dog Incident, one person chose an extremely violent and aggressive Scouse Rap video. I got upset and soon left the group. After this the rules were reviewed and tightened up.

Since then, it's been patchy. One member, who's clearly got a Learning Disability, wanted to play a Nicki Minaj track with a violent/sexual video - I said 'no!' quite strongly and was duly admonished by the Facilitator. I followed this up by email later on, suggesting that some members might be better suited to a Mencap group instead. She disagreed with the wording "I've got this." Right.

So - one bloke chooses a song by an individual called Just Jack and the video is set in a high rise tower block. It's gritty and ends with the man and woman throwing themselves off of the tower block's roof. Suicide. This is a mental health group, right?  I reacted quite strongly, the man apologised saying that "he'd never seen the video" I countered with "maybe watch the video beforehand?" The Facilitator stated that "not everyone can" - so I growled and left. I immediately emailed the Charity's Recovery College, stating that I wasn't happy and wanted to be removed from any future courses and sessions. I then thought - sod it, let's forward this to the Charity's Chief Executive, so I did.

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