Yep, it's that time again. Also, it's my 131st post and that particular number reminds me of the #131 bus route which runs between Kingston and Wimbledon (oooh, bus fact ...)
Christmas was quiet this year, mainly because we've all come down with terrible colds and in Mr Logic's case, an annoying hacking cough, which I know that he cannot help, but I am an an irascible aspie at the best of times. This was our second festive season as a threesome (minus the cats!) as after the social discomfort* of Christmas 2015, we no longer host anyone else; why should we? My brother always works over this period, raking it in with his overtime payments. Put it like this - we've had years of stress and it's taken its toll and just because I'm female, why the hell should I be responsible for hosting family events every bloody year? Not me, that's for sure.
*I guess that this is public forum, so I shouldn't got into too much detail, but rest assured my mother's tearful ranting at my husband regarding my brother's inability to read an email containing the details of a list of suggested gifts for his nephew didn't go down well.
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