Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Post #112 - The Autism Research Centre (ARC)

Yesterday, after re-watching the excellent BBC Horizon programme presented by Professor Dame Uta Frith (PDUF!), which was first broadcast back in 2014 (here's a link to the background information about the documentary: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0404861 and another, taking the reader to PDUF's interview concerning the 'theory of mind' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsEP7QTIVT0

Today I have sent off my DNA sample to the Autism Research Centre, based at the UK's centre of autism research, Cambridge University and whilst I was logged onto their website, decided to complete a series of online tests, which quite frankly, made my brain hurt!  Oh well, it's all in a good cause I guess?  

Monday, 19 June 2017

Post #111 - The Times They Are A Changin' ...

Sang Robert Zimmerman back in the 1960s. My time is changing too and finally I'm finding my feet. I have made the decision to let my main Facebook account go dormant and use my other one instead because it only contains two people who currently work in the civil service on my list of friends. Why? Well, simply because my life is moving on.


On New Year's Eve 2018 I started the deletion process for my main Facebook account (after transferring all of the pictures across to my laptop first!)  It wasn't an easy decision to make, but hey - I'm no longer a civil servant and really want to make the break from former colleagues. 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Post #110 - Local Adult Autism Support Groups

There are quite a few groups pertaining to support autistic adults dotted around the UK, many are quite scattered and slightly random.  My neighbouring borough places them all under the umbrella of the National Autistic Society (NAS), but ours doesn't and seems to split the 0-25 age group and the 25 and upwards.  Fair enough - each to his or her own. 

My borough has one that covers much of south-east London and the main aim seems to be that it's an environment to bring adults with autism together in a convivial environment twice a month.  Last night I went to my first peer discussion group with two hats on (not literally - it's far too hot at the moment to wear one, let alone two pieces of headgear ...) and despite feeling a tad nervous beforehand, really enjoyed it. The first metaphorical hat was that I wished to write a small piece for the NAS monthly newsletter and the second hat was representing myself, as a slightly socially excluded Aspergan.

It was pleasant to meet my former Aspies and Auties (or whatever people wish to class themselves as, if indeed they do.)  I can also be as geeky as I want without the need to censor myself.  Huzzah.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Post #109 - The Sun And The Rain

It's a bit of an odd time in the UK at the moment - on one hand there's the increasingly frequent Terror attacks, the last of which took place in London Bridge and, of course, the impending General Election on Thursday, 8th June 2017.  The weather is also a bit, well, odd - it's a stormy old day out there at the moment and the DAB radio station, Absolute 80s rather aptly played Madness's The Sun And The Rain this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_9FeMMlLZw

Talking about Graham 'Suggs' McPherson, I really think that he'd make an excellent Mayor of London and I for one, would strongly support his campaign, should he wish to stand.  That said, I guess that he's too busy doing other things - leading his mates along Camden High Street in their classic 'Nutty Train' formation being one of them.  My husband attended the same north London comprehensive school as Suggs back in the 1970s, which is a bit of a lame to fame I know.