Monday 1 May 2017

Post #104 - You've Gotta Fight For (Aspie) Rights

People who know me in real life may perceive me to be 'difficult' and yeah, post forty, post Autism diagnosis and post redundancy I blooming well can be. I just want to fight for aspie rights as it's a rotten life otherwise. Why should aspies/auties etc be forced into a life of isolation because of the actions of certain people.  I do turn to Twitter quite a bit because it seems to make a difference and there's a whole communitity of autists on there.  Together we can make a difference.

My latest cause celebre is my son's experience of his local cub scout pack. He was feeling unhappy, ignored and isolated, so we removed him. My husband had been helping out at the pack for a while, so knew what was going on and the situation was only getting worse.



My Tweets caused a few things to happen and, although there's no real prospect of my son returning to the same Cub Pack, it's noted that there's a real issue in gathering enough volunteers to help out.  I totally understand that's why Mr C was coming along to the sessions.

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