Sunday 27 January 2019

Post #158 - If You're Planning A Party - Please Let Me Know!

Regular readers may recall a previous reference to my maternal great aunt, or as I dubbed her The Home Counties Methuselah?  She's due to turn ninety in March and her son, who's in his sixties, is planning a birthday bash.  He wrote this in the Christmas Card to MotherLogic, but we weren't treated to this information.

There's a bit of background here: so I don't need to elaborate too much.  I'd only bore myself by doing that anyway.

If a big event is due to occur in March, wouldn't you have issued the invitations by now?  It's the end of January for goodness sake! If not, why not tell everyone that it's not happening?  It's flimsy nebulous thinking like this which irritates me about certain members of the allistic/nypical/neurotypical community.  I asked MotherLogic last night, but she didn't seem to know either, believing that it would go ahead.  Will it indeed?  If so, I don't think that I'll be joining the party.  So there!  I'll merely go off and sulk in front of my television.

I used to find it hard to socialise with MotherLogic's cousin and his partner anyway.  In the days before I knew that I was autistic, LogicTowers used to host family get togethers, mainly because it boasts ha - a lovely estate agent term - can you imagine a group of semi-detached houses meeting up in the pub and playing a game of one upmanship?) much more reception space than MotherLogic's abode and that we maintain a good level of cleanliness and tidiness here.  That last statement sounds bitchy, but it is brutally accurate.  As ever, I digress - quite frankly, CousinLogic and his partner are a bit too intellectual for my tastes anyway - think BBC Radio 3 and obscure art galleries and you'll get the picture.  His partner is also a very highly strung woman and that always makes my poor noggin hurt.


We received an invitation through the Great British postal system today and I've accepted on behalf of me, MrLogic, MasterLogic plus the two parental Logics.  It did adhere to the six week invitation etiquette. 

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