Tuesday 28 June 2016

Post #56 - Cancelling Plans

Now, I write this in full knowledge that, as an Aspie, I may see life differently to others.  Yes, I can become more upset and take it much more personally than neurotypical people.  The issue is that I can't really factor in the important stuff which other people take as read.

Right, here's the background - I was supposed to be going to visit a friend down on the south coast.  I used to work with him a few years back and haven't seen him at all for the past couple of years - we keep in sporadic contact on Facebook and via email, although he's always been quite dismissive of such things, thinking himself to be a superior being and above such inane ramblings.*

Anyway, I'd already paid the deposit on a B&B room because I didn't want to undertake a whole load of rail travel in just one day.  He was rather evasive about which weekends he was free during the summer, but we agreed on one.  Bingo.

Er no, not quite - yesterday evening I received an apologetic email from him stating that the particular weekend we'd planned was ... wait for it ... his parents' Golden Wedding Anniversary.  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't people usually aware of stuff like that?  Hmm.  Not happy.  Not happy at all.  He's yet another person to add to the (ever growing) list of people to block and ignore from now on.  If little else, this is a really useful line in the sand.  I rarely change my mind.

At least I enjoy my own company, which is rather useful at times.

*If I thought such a thing, why on earth was I keeping in contact with him you may ask?  The answer is that he's quite charming and quirky.  I am, however, clearly a myopic fool when it comes to some people.

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