Monday, 24 February 2025

Future Fakers

As regular readers will be aware, I'm a newbie when it comes to all things relating to online dating. I was with my late husband for twenty-four years and married for approximately twenty-two years and five months. I haven't been on a 'date' since the late 1990s and I wasn't particularly successful then.

I honestly don't know why I bothered. Maybe to get me over the 'hump' of the first anniversary?  Maybe. Anyway, I did start chatting with someone on Bumble back in early November 2024. He initially wanted to meet but the venue was unsuitable and he never offered again. We exchanged loads of X-rated photographs. He seemed legit. My due diligence didn't unearth anything bad.  

I went on other dates via Tinder. I have already written about these in earlier posts. This Mr Bumble guy was always in my thoughts. He promised that he'd move back and rent a house in my borough. The months went on and this never happened. There was no timeline for it ever to happen. I sometimes got pissed and called him out about it. He seemed understanding. My mates, however were rightfully skeptical.

It's now late February 2025 and no, before you ask, there wasn't one St Valentine's Day message from Mr Bumble. Nada. I explained my situation to an online dating forum which I'm a member of and apparently he's a Future Faker - ie a bit of a Catfish who offers a sparkling future which never happens.

On New Year's Eve 2024 I received a series of messages from Mr Bumble. They were totally bizarre. One said "don't write me off yet" another "I'd fantasised about us having a baby together ... it's the ultimate bond." plus "let [my current swain] meet my interim needs ..."

That's weird and hugely arrogant isn't it?  Anyway, after discovering that he had had free rent in my head for too long I blocked him. He blocked me right back. So that's that. What did he want? Explicit photos? That's low considering that I am a neurodiverse widow.

Of course, I've learnt loads. The only photos potential dates receive from me are of me donning my Primark Sesame Street Big Bird Onesie or Muppets oodie. Bloody hell, I feel totally idiotic.