Sunday, 15 September 2019

Post #163 - Short Rant About High Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome

I am getting more and more fed up with certain people treating me like some kind of freaky nightmare.  Why is that you may ask?  Well, you wouldn't single out someone with severe, medium or mild learning disabilities and generally be a bullying cockwomble to them would you?  The trouble is with appearing (apologies in advance for the word) normal is that people mistake key social faux pas for rudeness, even if you've ALREADY TOLD THEM THAT YOU'RE AUTISTIC!

This came to a head recently when I encountered on a professional level, a person whom I'd previously worked with at a local autism charity.  I won't elaborate or name names obviously, but I felt pretty low last summer as a result of this particular person's unfeeling actions.  I'm sure that I can state, as a person with autism/autistic person that having a neurotypical 'so-called' expert talking AT you for ages about their own biased and quite frankly, outdated views doesn't do much for one's self-esteem.

Rant over.  As you were.