Friday, 29 April 2016

Post #48 - Post Tonic Clonic Seizure

Apologies for not writing for a while, but following my departure from work, I haven't been myself recently. I have also experienced some quite serious health issues which cumulated in me being taken to Accident and Emergency last Thursday night with what's technically known as a 'Tonic Clonic Seizure'. I won’t go into the medical technicalities, but it's the new name for the good old 'Grand Mal' seizures of yesteryear and mine was specifically caused by a lack of Vitamin D, sulphates and an electrolyte imbalance.

Yikes! I was duly attached to a drip and restored home 18 hours later. Since then I've felt totally knackered and have had to surrender my driving licence to the DVLA. Bah! I know that I never used it, but it was a great piece of ID.

Life goes on. There's currently a thunderstorms raging outside my bedroom window, so after an amble around the shops this morning, I hardly feel as though I'm missing out!