Saturday 22 October 2016

Post #71 - School Assembly Angst

Yesterday morning myself and my husband attended our son's Year 5 Harvest Assembly.  My, it was crowded: the chairs were pressed far too closely together, also quite a few parents had decided to fill the rows from the middle and therefore we had to literally climb over their legs.  Thank you for your consideration, as ever.  The combination of the noise from the school orchestra, the shouting and generally the ambiance is my idea of an aspie hell, plus it seemed to go on and on - in total, it was nearly an hour in duration.  I could see our son, sat at the end of his year group, stimming away, looking more and more different from his peers.

I try to tread a line between wanting to support our son at school activities, but also being mindful of just quite how stressful they are for me.  I did have to laugh though, because the assembly went on so long, quite a few parents had to run out of the hall before the parking restrictions in the roads surrounding the school began at 10am.  Please don't get me started on parents who insist on driving their precious ones to school when they live much nearer the aforementioned educational establishment than I do.

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